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Review > Handheld > Magellan Handheld > eXplorist 400
Magellan eXplorist 400
Magellan eXplorist 400
Magellan eXplorist 400
Magellan eXplorist 400 Right
Magellan eXplorist 400 Left
Magellan eXplorist 400 Map
Magellan eXplorist 400 Kit
:  Magellan eXplorist 400
:  2005
Average Cost
:  $169.99
:  2.20 X 1.30 X 4.70
:  More

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Desription .........  From the WASS enabled (Wide Area Augmentation System) receiver to the 8 MB of built-in maps, the compact and powerful Magellan eXplorist 400 is a GPS Navigator with talent to spare. Store up to 500 points of interest, 20 routes and 5 track log files to go where you need to go, using the GeoCache Manager software to download cache information, as well as detailed street maps and topographical or lake maps using optional Magellan MapSend Software. The Magellan eXplorist 400 represents a terrific value for the hiker, cyclist, camping enthusiast – or anyone else who desires an excellent GPS Navigation experience on or off the beaten path. You’ll get the superior accuracy and reliability that’s come to be associated with the Magellan name, in a durable and rugged GPS Navigator that’s both user-friendly and powerful.

:  16 MB
Acquisition Time
:  20 sec. Hot, 60 sec. Cold, 2 min. Initial
:  Unlimited on SD Card
:  USB
:  2.25" 4-level Gray
Touch Screen
Battery Life
:  17 hrs.
Battery Type
:  Li-Ion 1300 MAH
:  Built-in patch
Update Rate
:  1 sec.
PDF Document

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  User Reviews:
By: alex On: 3/6/2007 2:03:05 PM Rated Rating 4
Handy HandHeld Device : I don't own one but saw at my friends house, looks nice good grip he is using it while walking the dog..

By: Tom On: 8/22/2007 11:22:41 AM Rated Rating 4
Fully Loaded : A fully loaded device with maps from Magellan MapSend software (150$) and SD card (70$) is just great. It appears that you have a internet opened in front of you when you get the locations of restaurants and shopping store it gives the telephone numbers of the establishments as well, big screen easy to operate, it beeps at the on coming turn and lights up. It has got a USB cord fro PC transfer but works on Windows XP, supports Geo caching coordinates direct from a computer. It got quite a long battery life of about 12 hours. It is lightweight and water resistant. The Cons are quite a few the box unit with out Mapsend and the SD card will not give you its best features. The manual is in PDF form had to visit the site for proper orientation of USB cable on GPS. The menus to map out addresses on the road work are tedious. It takes quite an effort to connect USB/Power cord to GPS. It is however a good handled when fully loaded.

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