  Friday, September 27, 2024
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Review > Phone
Wherify Phone
Wherify Wherify GPS Smartphone review, compare prices and read full fearture list or read end user reviews.
Wherifone G560
Rating 5
Wherifone G550
Rating 4
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Garmin Phone
Garmin Garmin Nuvifone GPS Smartphone review, compare prices and read full fearture list.
Nuvifone G60
Rating 4
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Pharos Phone
Pharos Pharos GPS Smartphone review and comparison to other Pharos models as well as Pharos competitors.
Traveler 127
Rating 0
Traveler 137
Rating 5
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TomTom Phone
TomTom TomTom develops GPS car kits for phones as well as GPS smartphones. It is one of the leaders on the
Car kit for iPhone
Rating 5
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Google Phone
Google Review and compare Google Smartphone to other smartphone models with GPS enabled maps.
Nexus One
Rating 4
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