Wherify Wherifone G560 |
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Desription ......... Safe and easy for kids to use, and simple for seniors as well, the Wherifone G560 makes it possible to monitor the whereabouts of any loved one from the convenience of your home or office computer. Using the Wherifone’s brilliant implementation of the latest GPS Satellite Technology, the G560 features the same Global Positioning Satellite Technology that used by planes and ships in commercial, private and military applications worldwide. It takes only a minute and a few mouse clicks to locate your loved one’s position on your screen using Wherify’s secure web site , while an SOS button provides your family member a “one touch” contact button in the case of an emergency. Optionally, you may contact the Wherify Service Center by phone for instant location information. With features like these, it’s no wonder that the Wherify Wherifone GPS Locator earned the 2005 “Best of Innovations” award. The Wherify Wherifone G560 is compatible with the following GSM Networks: Tri-band 850/1800/1990 Mhz, and features a standby time of up to 4 days, and talk time up to 5 hours. |
Characteristics: |
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: LCD monochrome |
: No |
: 300 min. talk |
: Lithium 600 mAh |
: Tri-band |
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Downloads: |
Wherifone G500 Series Quick Start Guide
Activate your account, Charge and Set up, Logon and Set up to the Call Button, Locate the Wherifone
Wherifone G500 Series User Guide
Information, How It Works, Setup, Understanding GPS Signal Strength & Optimizing Performance, Main Display, Using, Changing Phone Settings, Device Setup Menu, Making Emergency and Voice Calls
Online Location Service Center Manual
How to Logon, Welcome Screen, How to Find a Phone, Set Up a Reoccurring Location Request, Name Your Phone, Program the Phone Book
SMS Location Service Manual
What is Wherify SMS? Requirements to Access the Service, Register to Use Wherify SMS, Security, SMSing “HELP”, Wherify SMS FAQs
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User Reviews: |
By: Gabriel On: 2/22/2007 10:36:27 PM Rated  |
Nice to have : Nice addition to my collection of phones. I would recommend to some one who likes GPS devices, cute little thing.
By: alex On: 3/23/2008 12:19:00 AM Rated  |
Very nice GPS phone : This is my peace of mind phone, I bought a silver one for my four year old and have put it in her nap sack. I feel really secure that I can locate her and see where she is. When I get her location I am completely stress free. The GPS is excellent it gives you the location by just a few feet. This helps me feel comfortable as it has got a 2 way GSM and SOS number dialing facility with ability of pre programming 3 numbers.
There are three ways of locating the person with the phone from the web site, from your cell phone, or by calling the company. I was not informed until I bought the phone that the "locate" by sending a text message was not operational and customer support is from 9 am to 7 pm. On rare occasions the GPS is unable to locate the phone. However at the end of the day this is a very nice GPS phone.
By: e2kkot On: 7/15/2009 2:52:59 PM Rated  |
Grat Device : I think this device is super great and small enough for kids
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