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Review > Car > Garmin Car > Nuvi 1450
:  Garmin Nuvi 1450
:  2009
Average Cost
:  $449.99
:  5.40 X 0.60 X 3.40
:  More

Desription .........  Nuvi 1450 is a starting model in the Nuvi 1400 seriese. It has wide screen which is wider than average screen you see in the devices of this class. It is capable of multiple-point routing and lane assist.

It comes with ecoRoute software developed by Garmin to assist drivers with real-time data while on the road.

Nuvi 1450 designed around its bright and wide screen with several user friendly and visual features such as photo viewer, bright colors. It makes it easy to see map on this device during the day of night.

You may reference Nuvi 1450 by its part number: 010-00810-20

:  Solid state
Acquisition Time
:  1000
:  microSD, USB
:  WQVGA color TFT
Touch Screen
:  Yes
Battery Life
:  3 hours
Battery Type
:  Lithium-ion
:  Built-In
Update Rate
:  Yes
PDF Document

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  User Reviews:
By: Ronan On: 1/12/2010 3:16:49 PM Rated Rating 4
Nuvi 1450 Delivers : I like the device. A lot better than prior models and screen is wide...

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By: joysager On: 7/15/2015 8:05:26 PM  Reply
Garmin nuvi 1450 : friend gave this to me/he has given me pass codes but are wrong. is there anyway bypass to use this? no not stolen! thanks

By: dbron On: 2/25/2013 1:06:43 PM  Reply
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By: mobileflip On: 2/7/2011 8:45:28 PM  Reply
Garmin Nuvi 1450 : I just got a Garmin Nuvi 1450. I have started to download updates for the Southeast U.S. It says estimated download time remaining is 109 hours. Does that sound right?

By: Administrator On: 8/11/2010 11:18:10 PM  Reply
Garmin Nuvi 1450 Forum : Discuss capabilities of Garmin Nuvi 1450 on our forum or read detailed review of this device in our review section of the site.

By: Alehandro On: 6/4/2010 6:03:31 PM  Reply
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By: wjtrammell On: 2/13/2010 2:53:10 PM  Reply
nuvi 1450 : I received a 1450 yesterday 2/12/10 and got the free download map and everything okay. I was able to download maps from mapsource. Today, I connected the unit to the PC and it froze with the Garmin PC to Unit on the screen and will NOT turn off. Any suggestions other than letting the battery run down and see it will turn on.
Thanks, Bill

By: Administrator On: 12/13/2009 11:32:46 PM  Reply
Review GPS Devices on our site : We have uploaded several new Garmin GPS naviators and would like to see if you can add to our reviews your own. We value your feedback and have no interest in positive or negative reviews. Objective review from you will be very much appreciated and beneficial to other readers.

Here is a list of new devices

Nuvi 1690 - http://reviews.gpsfaq.com/about.aspx?detail=nuvi1690
Nuvi 1200 - http://reviews.gpsfaq.com/about.aspx?detail=nuvi1200
Nuvi 5000 - http://reviews.gpsfaq.com/about.aspx?detail=nuvi5000
Nuvi 1450 - http://reviews.gpsfaq.com/about.aspx?detail=nuvi1450

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