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Review > Car > Garmin Car > Nuvi 255W
Nuvi 255W
Nuvi 255W
Nuvi 255W
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:  Garmin Nuvi 255W
:  2009
Average Cost
:  $179.99
:  4.80 X 0.80 X 2.90
:  More

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Desription .........  Garmin Nuvi 255W is another affordable automotive GPS by Garmin. It is part now famous 2x5 series which is designed to give users simple to use and affordable no bells and whistles GPS device. However, it does have decent GPS capabilities and you can get optional real-time traffic via subscription to MSN Direct.

It has very good mapping capabilities as you are provided with North America Maps as well as European Maps. Each map comes with million points of interest which you can also customize and set up over 1000 points if interest. It has somewhat standard set of POI with the listings of hotels, restaurants, ATMs and gas stations.

Garmin Nuvi 255W is a wide screen GPS Device with 4.3 inch display that is bright during the most sunny days and easy to look at from any direction. It has bigger size which helps you to look at the larger area where you drive.

Other Features that you may find interesting and useful are:

  • City Navigator NT street maps
  • 2-D or 3-D maps
  • HotFix satellite prediction
  • "Where Am I?" emergency locator
You can find Nuvi 255W in store online via Part # 010-00718-20

:  Solid State
Acquisition Time
:  1000
:  microSD
:  WQVGA color TFT
Touch Screen
:  Yes
Battery Life
:  4 hours
Battery Type
:  Lithium-ion
:  Build-in
Update Rate
:  Yes
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  User Reviews:
By: DAN On: 2/12/2012 7:00:59 PM Rated Rating 3
Updates : I am disappointed because they told me when I bought this gps, that I could update for free up to four times, and I just went to the garmin web site and you have to buy the upgrade for $50.

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By: Administrator On: 10/31/2012 7:55:29 PM  Reply
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By: Administrator On: 1/1/2010 4:56:41 PM  Reply
Garmin nüvi 255wt Forum : This device seems to be a hit on the market and many people are interested in purchasing it. We would like to open this forum for all people who have Garmin nüvi 255wt or planning to purchase it and want to discuss.

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